I am Yaman Kumar Singla, a research scientist and lead in the Adobe Media and Data Science Research (MDSR) laboratory, where I study large language and vision models (LLMs, VLMs) in the context of advertising, marketing, and behavior modality. The behavior modality consists of the following components: (1) Speaker, (2) Content, (3) Channel, (4) Receiver, (5) Behavior (Effect). One can also include other components in these five: (6) Time of sending and (7) Time of receiving.
Therefore, from this point of view, I try to solve the following questions:
My research is about designing large language and human behavior models that can predict human behavior, generate content that can bring about needed behavior, and explain behavior. This involves explaining, predicting, and optimizing human behavior in the real world, especially from the context of marketing, advertising, and computational social science.
A list of works related to behavior in the wild by me and my team can be found here: https://behavior-in-the-wild.github.io. The motivation as to why I work on the behavior modality and why behavior in the wild should be solved at all is covered in this blog.
I have been awarded multiple awards and honors from industry and academia for my contributions.
Feel free to contact me by email if you want to discuss this further: ykumar@adobe.com. To get more information, check out the links under my profile picture.
PhD in Computer Science
State University of New York at Buffalo